1. Nobody gets recruited their first day. This is for the protection of the clan.
2. Every recruit MUST fill out the application below before even being considered for a tryout.
3. Every recruit should post on the recruits forum before being tried out.
4. Recruits will be tried out 1v1 against at least 5 ranked members.
The 1v1 will be 12 rounds on a map chosen by the member who is trying
out the recruit. Every one of these tryouts will have at least one
>>mMm<< spectator to ensure there is no hacking.
5. After all tryouts have been completed the members who administered
the tryouts will vote the recruit either in or out of the clan. All
recruits who are voted out must wait 1 month to reapply.
All new recruits will be unranked for their first month in the clan
after which all members of the clan will vote on the recruit's initial rank.
© Copyright Mumblingmadmen.ucoz.com - Counter Strike: Source Clan.